Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Making Friends & Allies

Promoting the Armenian Message

For centuries non-Armenians who meet Armenian Spyurk living in their community’s have been amazed at the unique character of the Armenian people. Indeed, any Odar in the world who encounters the traditional Armenian love for music, food, family and God is awe struck by the beauty of their women, the brilliance of their children and by the strength of their men as leaders in the family. No one surpasses the Armenian People for the warmth of their generosity and hospitality.

Indeed, as both historical documentation and civil records will attest, the great mass of Armenian immigrants have always added value to their communities and are recognized as great contributors and model citizens in their adopted countries.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, however, something changed in the media’s perception of Armenia, and this positive message reflecting the uniquely captivating character of the Armenian mystique has been subverted by stories that highlight the deviant behavior of a relatively few bad Armenian actors.

Now is the time to put traditional Armenian hospitality back into practice for non-Armenians to taste, feel and see.

Join the ANA today and plan your own event that will invite the outside Odar community to experience the uncommon value of Armenian culture and relationships.

Promoting the Armenian Message

Unite with us today and send our enemies the message: never underestimate Armenians!